I’m based out of Seattle, WA where I’m a third-year Ph.D. student in Human-Centered Design & Engineering (HCDE) at the University of Washington.

Before joining the HCDE program at UW, I was the Lead UX Researcher at Monster.com in Weston, MA where I stood up the UXR practice and conducted foundational user experience research with job seekers as well as employers. During that time, I also acted as a product validation consultant for several startups in the content creator space.

My research interests are broadly in social computing: dynamics of online communities, community moderation, and comparative studies, especially in cases where the community is driven by individuals’ desire to make sense of or communicate new information. I’m particularly interested in moderator motivations. Secondarily, I’m interested in ways to design communities (from both an affordance and policy perspective) to optimize towards healthier behavior, less toxicity, and more active, lively conversation. Methodologically, I skew towards the qualitative and prefer ethnography, semi-structured interviews, and survey data to answer these questions. I’m warming up to experimental methods!

When I’m not researching, I can usually be found listening to metal, recording metal sounds, and being a National Weather Service Storm Spotter. I’m a certified coffee enthusiast and dog-mom to Yuki the Wonder Pup.

You can reach me at my Contact page