the project


who: me

what: research to inform a microsite re-design, from a visual and information architecture perspective

when: winter 2019

why: we had space in the product roadmap to tackle some projects that had been on the back burner. While career advice is a prime vehicle for remaining at the top of search results, it had not been revisited and we had seen a steady increase in bounce rate. we aimed to find out why.

the challenge

The bounce rate for had been increasing over time. But, why?

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initial accepted hypothesis

Were “ancient” article publish dates hurting time-on-site? If so, a massive content re-write was in order.

There was a generally-accepted hypothesis that the cause of the bounce rate up-tick was due to outdated content. Without any strong evidence of this being true, I kept the assumption in mind as I navigated the initial findings and planned for future research.

pre-project kickoff research

Our team wanted to understand what we were dealing with. Prior to the project kickoff meeting, I did some quick research on Career Advice